+1 650-504-6170 joe@dahadhausa.com
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Escrow Services

Escrow Services for Sellers based in the USA

Land Title Escrow

Escrow Process

  • Sale terms are finalized between buyer(s) and seller(s)
  • Buyer’s attorney or representative prepares the transfer documents and secures all the required original legal documents.
  • Documents are sent to the Palestine Notary in the USA awaiting seller(s) signatures.
  • Escrow agreements are prepared to be signed by buyer(s) and seller(s) with Dahadha USA.
    • Determine sellers to be paid and their percentage interest.
    • Determine fees to be paid to PLO Notary to cover Notary and Palestine Consulate services.
    • Determine Dahadha USA service fees.
  • Dahadha USA sends wire instructions to buyer(s).
    • Buyer(s) transfers money to the Dahadha USA Escrow account.
  • Dahadha USA sends wire transfer forms to seller(s) to fill out and return.
  • Upon confirmation of receipt of funds, Seller(s) arrange to sign the documents with the Palestine Notary.
  • Palestine Notary secures 2 copies of the documents for signatures.
    • One copy is used, The additional copy is kept as backup in case documents are lost or damaged in transit – (additional fees will apply in this situation).
